Varahikand - Dioscorea bulbifera - Air Potato - Varahi Kand - Bitter Yam
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Varahikand - Dioscorea bulbifera - Air Potato - Varahi Kand - Bitter Yam
Order Online Pure Varahikand - Dioscorea bulbifera - Air Potato - Varahi Kand - Bitter Yam from at Best Price
The perennial weed vidarik is also known as Indian kudzu. The tubers (roots) of this regenerating herb are generally used as an immunity-booster and restorative tonic. The roots of Vidarikand help increase a mother's milk supply and the amount and quality of male sperm, which increases sperm count and mobility because of its spermatogenic properties. Additionally, ingestible Vidarikand tubers are used to cure fever, rheumatism, and chest pain.
If you take it with milk after meals, you'll experience the greatest effects. Your skin may be revitalised and given more radiance if you include Vidarikand in your diet.
What are the benefits of Vidarikand for Coronary artery disease?
Vidarikand may assist in the treatment of coronary heart disease because of its antioxidant qualities. The antioxidants in Vidarikand prevent the formation of free radicals. By preventing blood clots from forming and increasing blood flow to the heart, this reduces damage to the heart and lowers the risk of coronary heart disease.
What are the benefits of Vidarikand for Diabetes?
Vidarikand may help in the treatment of diabetes as a result of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. By protecting pancreatic cells from damage and assisting in reducing blood sugar levels, it enhances insulin sensitivity and secretion.
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