Shital Chini - Kabab Chini - Kawab Chini - Piper cubeba
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Shital Chini - Kabab Chini - Kawab Chini - Piper cubeba
Form: Dried Raw Herb
A perennial woody climber known as Sheetal Chini or KababChini has ash-gray climbing stems and branches that are rooted at the joints. The fully grown but unripe dried fruit is utilized medicinally. Fruits taste slightly bitter and acrid and have a spicy, aromatic scent. Anesthetic, antihelmintic, anti-asthmatic, antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, appetizer, aromatic, astringent, cardiotonic, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, rejuvenating, stomachic, and thermogenic are among the pharmacological properties that bioactive components possess. Acute rhinitis, amenorrhea, anorexia, asthma, cardiac debility, catarrh, chronic bronchitis, headache, cough, cystitis, diarrhea, jaundice, dysentery, inflammation, and urticaria are a few conditions that these qualities help to treat.[
Other Names: Kabbaaba, Habb al-’aroos, Kharkoos, Kababchini, Sugandhmarich, Cubebs, Tailed-pepper, Java Pepper, False Pepper, Cubébe, Poivre à queue, Kubebenpfeffer, Schwanzpfeffer, Stielpfeffer, Chankabab, Chinikabab, Tadamiri, Kababchim, Kababchini, Sheetalchini, Sheetalmirch, Kankol, Gandhmenasu, Balmenasu, Piper cubeba Linn, Kankol, Kapurchini, Kankola, Kababah, Kababchini, Kababchini, Sardchini, Kankola, Kankolaka , Kababchini, Kababa
Sheetal Chini for Dysentery
Amoebic dysentery, also known as pravahika in Ayurveda, is brought on by the parasite E. histolytica. It happens as a result of vitiated Vata and Kapha doshas. Mucus and blood can be seen in the stool in cases of acute dysentery due to gut inflammation. Because Sheetal Chini has Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics, it helps to manage mucus by enhancing the digestive fire. Due to its Krimighna (anti-worm) properties, it also aids in the removal of the parasite that causes dysentery from the body.
Sheetal Chini for Flatulence (gas formation)
An imbalance of the Vata and Pitta doshas is what causes flatulence or gas. Low digestive fire is caused by low Pitta dosha and increased Vata dosha, which makes digestion difficult. Flatulence or the generation of gas is a sign of poor digestion. The Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) qualities of Sheetal Chini enhance the digestive fire and prevent gas accumulation.
Sheetal Chini for Gonorrhea
The bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the source of the infection known as gonorrhea. Due to its antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities, Sheetal Chini may aid in the management of gonorrhea. It controls bacterial activity and minimizes the growth of germs, regulating gonorrhea.
Sheetal Chini for Asthma
When there are lungs-related issues, including asthma, Sheetal Chini aids in liquifying mucus. The primary doshas associated in asthma, according to Ayurveda, are Vata and Kapha. When 'Vata' and 'Kapha dosha' in the lungs combine to become vitiated, it thickens mucus, which obstructs the respiratory path. Breathing becomes difficult as a result. As a result of reducing mucus in the lungs and balancing Vata and Kapha, Sheetal Chini relieves the symptoms of asthma.
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