Gulab Patti Powder - Rose Petal Powder - Rosa Gallica Powder
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Gulab Patti Powder - Rose Petal Powder - Rosa Gallica Powder
Rosa gallica var. officinalis is an upright, bushy little shrub with dull greyish-green foliage and numerous, intensely fragrant, semi-double, light crimson blooms to 8cm in width in early summer. It is also known as gulab patti powder. Autumnal little oval hips.
Every year, to create new cultivars with enhanced personality features, rose breeders conduct hundreds of thousands of crosses, primarily between enhanced garden roses. Given that the majority of garden varieties are tetraploid, these crosses are not challenging. These garden cultivars' hybrid seeds typically sprout the next year without exhibiting seed dormancy. Additionally, the seedlings start to bloom quite early.
Have you ever questioned the cause of your dry skin? We have a solution for you! A natural skin toner, rose petal powder reduces skin irritation and prickly heat. It gives the skin a radiant, silky appearance.
Antioxidants found in rose petal powder protect against infections, excess sebum, free radicals, and skin irritations.
There are anti-inflammatory effects in rose petal powder. It reduces the inflammatory reaction brought on by UV exposure. Thus, rose petal powder can lessen the signs of ageing. Regular usage on the body and face can significantly slow the signs of ageing.
Like an elixir, rose petal powder. It has numerous great uses and offers the skin and hair a plethora of advantages. The rose is thought to balance "vata dosha" because of its calming scent. According to Ayurveda, the main symptoms of this dosha include anxiety, sleeplessness, and digestive problems. The cooling and stabilising properties of rose are also thought to balance the "pitta dosha."
Dosha is a Sanskrit term that meaning essence or route. All of these doshas (essential components) make up each of us in different amounts. In accordance with the harmony between these doshas in us at any given time, it is in our nature to be either hot or cool, pitta or kapha, vata or satwa, etc.
According to Ayurveda, a person would feel sickness symptoms like headache, indigestion, and exhaustion far too frequently during the summer if their body temperature is out of sync with the seasons.
How to use:
3 to 4 tablespoons of distilled or filtered water should be used to soak 8 to 10 petals for three hours. Add two teaspoons of honey after smashing the petals into the water. Apply the mixture to your face. After 20 minutes, remove with cool water and repeat.
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