Amaltas Phali Powder - Amaltaas Phali Powder - Cassia Fistula Pod's Powder
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Amaltas Phali Powder - Amaltaas Phali Powder - Cassia Fistula Pod's Powder
Order Online Pure Amaltas Phali Powder - Amaltaas Phali Powder - Cassia Fistula Pod's Powder from at Best Price
Amaltas, commonly referred to as Cassia fistula or the Golden Shower Tree, is a well-known Ayurvedic plant that has a variety of medicinal uses. The most popular names for this tree are Indian Laburnum, Pupping Pipe, Golden Shower, and Puppy Pipe.
Amaltas can be found in Pakistan, India, and a few locations in Southeast Asia. Due of its extensive therapeutic advantages, it is grown in numerous locations around India. All of the components of amaltas, including the leaves, seeds, root, pulp, fruit, and bark, have medicinal properties.
According to Ayurvedic literature, amaltas has a sweet and bitter taste. It is beneficial for many diseases, including alopecia, burns, jaundice, swelling tongue, leprosy, and skin conditions such kushta (skin diseases), jwara (fever), amavaata (rheumatic diseases), hrudroga (heart diseases), and migraines.
The most potent laxative, as well regarded (Sramsanam). Additionally, it supports the harmony of the three bodily energies—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Leaves: The leaves have laxative properties.
Amaltas seeds have laxative, antipyretic, and carminative properties that help to relieve stomach gas.
Fruits: Fruit extracts can help with fever, gastrointestinal pain, and skin conditions while also acting as a laxative.
Flower: The amaltas flower has laxative, astringent (which tightens skin tissues), antipyretic, and wound-healing properties.
Pulp: Toddlers and expectant mothers can safely consume amaltas pulp as a laxative. The pulp also possesses anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.
Bark: Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties are present in amaltas bark, which helps to prevent cell damage.
Pod Ripe: Pods have antipyretic and laxative properties.
Other Names: Cassia Fistula, Kritamala, Vyadhighata, Shampaka, Shamyaka, Nrpadruma, Kritamalaka, Rajavriksha, Sondaalee, Sonaalu, Indian Laburnum, Purging Fistula, Pudding pipe tree, Garmaalo, Amaltaas, Girimaal Kannada: Kakke, Kakkemar, Konna, Baahvaa, Sunaari, Kaniyaar, Girdnalee, Konnai, Rela, Indian Laburnum, Purging Fistula, Pudding pipe tree, Golden shower, Golden pipe tree, Amaltas, Garmalo, Aaragwadha, Aaragvadha, Araghvadha, Chaturangula, Amaltus
Amaltas Benefits:
Amaltas Constipation Benefits. Amaltas works well to relieve constipation. The three-week treatment of functional constipation in children with Amaltas emulsion is effective. Amaltas is also prescribed to expectant mothers as a mild laxative. Combine the Amaltas pulp with hot water to relieve constipation. Babies with hiccups can also benefit from amaltas.
Amaltas Benefits for Skin Diseases:
Amaltas leaves are effective in treating eczema, ringworm, and skin eruptions. Dermatological conditions can be treated with amaltas root. The pulp of the amaltas fruit has also been shown to be useful in treating worms and skin conditions. Erysipelas can be treated using amaltas leaves.
Amaltas Benefits for Cough Relief:
Amaltas' antitussive (cough-suppressing) properties. After being roasted, the pods are mixed with salt and honey. Coughs can be treated with this concoction. Fever can also be treated with it. Amaltas leaves are effective cough suppressants. TB can be successfully treated with amaltas. Amaltas increases resistance and shields the body against disease.
Amaltas Benefits for Congestion:
Amaltas eases inflammation, clears up phlegm (thick mucus), and relieves congestion in the respiratory system. It can also be used to treat asthma and the common cold.
Amaltas Heart Health Benefits:
Amaltas contributes to the prevention of lipid formation, the lowering of blood cholesterol levels, and the strengthening of heart muscles. As a result, it reduces the possibility of developing heart disease, blood clots, and other issues.
Amaltas Benefits for Urinary Problems:
Amaltas can also be used to treat urination problems like abdominal obstructions, urinary retention, and burning.
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